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Candy Strother DeVore Mitchell

Rap Mother, Rap Father & Children's Books

and Magazines Contests


Rap & Hip-Hop Promoting Positivity



This contest is dedicated to rap, hip-hop, and all mothers and fathers or single adults alike as well as teenagers and young adults who believe in manifesting abundance through the promotion of positivity. There is no cost to enter! One entry per individual please. And, voila' six entrants with a voice about promoting positivity among rap and hip-hop fans, readers, and members in 2022 will be winners . . . but don't stop there. In the spirit of rap and hip-hop

let us hear your thoughts in the entry form below.


All contests are announced on Faces of Rap Mothers website, featured in a publicly shared press release, included in the DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. newsletter and receive gifts that align to the contest rules and award information.

Enter Contest

Thanks for submitting!

Rap & Hip Hop Promoting Positivity Rules and Awards


  1. Visit

  2. Click-on Contests and then Rap & Hip-Hop Positivity Contest

  3. Subscribe to Faces of Rap Mothers website (on the home page)

  4. Complete the Contest Form (above)

  5. Answer: "How I will promote positivity among Rap & Hip-Hop fans, readers, and members in 2021"

  6. Visit five pages on the Faces of Rap Mothers website (analytics capture)

  7. There will be five contest awardees - ranked by an external panel who will review contestants submissions and ranked by 1) most poignant, 2) most realistic, 3) most comical, 4) most measurable, and 5) most gratitude based and then an overall winner.

  8. Contest Ends 3.31.21 and results are announced 5.14.21.


Contest Awards

  1. Faces of Rap Mothers website announcement.

  2. Faces of Rap Mothers press release.

  3. Faces of Rap Mothers Trade Color Book One.

  4. Faces of Rap Mothers Trade Color Book Two.

  5. Faces of Rap Mothers Trade Color Book Three.

  6. Faces of Rap Mothers Trade Color Book Four.

  7. Faces of Rap Mothers Trade Color Book Five.

  8. Faces of Rap Mothers "Men" Trade Color Book One.

  9. Rap Mothers Save The Day Book One.

  10. Rap Mothers Save The Day Book Two.

  11. Rap Mothers Save The Day Book Three.

  12. Faces of Rap Mothers Mug.

  13. Faces of Rap Mothers T-Shirt.

  14. Faces of Rap Mothers Ball-cap.


Winners will be chosen by an impartial panel who will review the entries and determine who the winners are of the five categories listed above. And, an overall winning entry will also be awarded. All awardees will receive 2 random items listed above - the press release and website announcements are for "all" winners.


Winners are announced forty-five (45) days after the contest ends on 3.31.21. If there are a great number of contestants - winners may increase up to ten.


















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© 2023 by dpInk Ltd. Liability Company representing Faces of Rap Mothers and Candy Strother DeVore Mitchell, a DonnaInk Publications author.

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